Plancha Boutique
Discover the Krampouz range of electric or gas planchas. All Krampouz griddle plates feature precision cooking.
Griddle plate cooking assures great atmosphere and conviviality! A nice fact: our plancha's are extremely easy to clean!
Which size fits my needs?
- SINGLE = 1 heated area: food will cook at the same temperature, 4-6 guests
- DOUBLE = 2 heated areas: cooking two food items at different temperatures, 10-12 guests
Which range fits me best?
- SAVEUR: I need a plancha that is simple to use and has great value
- DESIGN: I need an ergonomic plancha with a large cooking surface and a timeless design
- "K": I need an exceptional quality plancha with outstanding design and easy to use (ex: automatic temperature control system for the gas plancha)